Primary Qualitative Research – Part One

Focus groups, one-on-ones in depth interviews (IDI’s) and executive/professional interviewing.

Focus Groups Is A Technique Used In Qualitative Research

Many persons state they are qualified moderators, as they think it “looks so easy to do”.  But successful moderation requires a high degree of skill, insights, organization and anticipation.  It also requires an ability to bring a session together, yet draw out key issues that guide decision making and  teasing out valuable insights.

The moderator’s skill sets are the most important aspect of conducting results-producing qualitative research. All moderators are not alike, and having a top-notch moderator makes or breaks the sessions.

Our qualitative expertise has been finely honed to a precision art over two decades and hundreds of assignments. Just The Facts works in large and small U.S. markets and globally. We know the best facilities with the strongest recruiting abilities, also central to successful group dynamics.  Our high standards means no surprises on your assignment.

The sessions we pull together are well organized, effectively run and produce unparalleled quality results. Our abilities in this arena have been highly praised for even sensitive topic areas relating to:

  • Individual’s  behaviors, attitudes & perceptions
  • Financial decisions
  • Health issues
  • Faith beliefs
  • Political opinions

Qualitative research is highly beneficial in both exploratory stages or anytime greater richness of target audience attitudes, behaviors and  actions are important to understand in optimizing management decision making.  Just The Facts Research considers qualitative research a significant core  skill set, one in which we have developed several proprietary qualitative products.

Just The Facts’s unique methodologies have proven ability to unearth new insights and perspectives that standard qualitative approaches just gloss over. Our superior innovative qualitative techniques include:

  • Qual-Quant Focus sessions: qualitative with metric measurement
  • Strategic Perspectives: focus on critical insights exploration
  • Photo-Ethnographic Insights: visually capturing respondents beliefs and experiences

Our research incorporates the benefits of time-tested traditional qualitative techniques, but takes them to a whole new level, one that’s multi-dimensional and yields more strategic impact.

Part one of three.
Read Part Two: Examples Of Qualitative Market Research Projects
Read Part Three: Qualitative Market Research Audience Experience

Call Just The Facts today at 847-506-0033 for a FREE consultation to discuss your market research project needs.
