Consumer Marketing Surveys – Part Three of Four
Just The Facts ® is following up with additional “insider” insights regarding online panels, and their cautions to be aware of…
As we all know, for the past few years the rise in online panels has been dramatically on the rise, as consumer package goods firms in particular, embrace them for their quick-turn-around, flexibility, ease of use and perceived lower costs. Online panel users, consumer companies, want quality results with speed, but increasingly we’re seeing those two aren’t necessarily coexistent at high levels.
However, in the past 12-18 months, we’re seeing and hearing heightened concerns from market research clients over quality, and even diminished use of online survey panels. We’re seeing a return to traditional phone surveys and mall intercept surveys. Why is that?
In our first two articles we discussed some of the core areas of concern on usage of online consumer panel research, in the next two article, we delve into greater detail as to “why” this methodology is losing some of its shine.
“The ‘world’ of online panels surveys has changed dramatically”, Just The Facts ®, Inc was told recently by a long-time panel house insider. “They are so much harder to maintain now, than in the past.”
Why is that, we asked? Our source shared with us, “it’s because now the entire procurement of names for panels is a ‘blending’ process. With the advent of social media, panels have to partner with social media to try and capture, new fresh names, if they can. So, it’s become a much more difficult process than the past.”
Just The Facts ® probed further about the challenges, our survey panel experts stated, “people just aren’t as engaged, they aren’t focused anymore. In the past, a survey panel provider might have expected up to 3 years of participation, now they struggle to get even one year without fallout.”
Phone Surveys and Mall Intercept Surveys
In contrast to phone surveys and mall intercept surveys, we are able to maintain solid respondent engagement. With phone surveys, the interviewer is immediately connecting, screening and probing client’s topics of interest. The same is true for mall intercepts, respondents are engaged and screened in-person, so you know immediately who you’re interviewing.
We will look at incentives in the final segment in this series…
Read Part One at: Speed vs Quality In Online Marketing Survey Panels Results
and Part Two: Consider The Quality Of On Line Marketing Survey Panels
Proceed to Part Four: Changing Incentives Used For Online Marketing Survey Panels

For questions and advice on which type of marketing survey is right for your next market research project, call Just The Facts, Inc ® market research at 847-506-0033 for a free consultation. Just The Facts, Inc ® works with clients on all aspects of setting up, fielding, data collection, analysis and reporting of findings… a “total turn-key” process.
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