Mall Intercepts Research – Part Two
Mall intercept research and surveys by Just The Facts, Inc ® are highly effective in screening for the appropriate target audience. Interviewers go out among mall visitors and screen for the exact target audience desired for the project in progress. Live, personal, and face-to-face contact is among the most effective means of insuring a client has the right respondents testing and evaluating their products, concepts, advertising or packaging engagements.
At Just The Facts, Inc ® locations, many mall intercept sites also have computers, so that respondents can be directed to existing online surveys for fast, effective and efficient gathering of real-time data reporting.
Mall intercept research is also excellent when there are aspects of a product or concept that need some guidance or explanation to respondents, as opposed to confusion that can occur with online survey methods, without someone on hand to answer questions.
A great advantage of just The Facts, Inc ®mall intercept research is the ability to test and place products across the U.S. in order to get very solid geographically dispersed response, similar to a nationwide panel. In some studies from 3-7 regional locations (or more) can be tested all at the same time, and at very cost-effective levels. This gives clients far greater confidence in the representative nature of the research being conducted and that it has less biased view points than conducting the same research in only one location.
In case you missed Part One: Mall Intercepts Research Studies On The Rise Again

For questions and advice on which type of marketing survey is right for your next market research project, call Just The Facts, Inc ® market research at 847-506-0033 for a free consultation. Just The Facts, Inc ® works with clients on all aspects of setting up, fielding, data collection, analysis and reporting of findings… a “total turn-key” process.
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at