Company Philosophy – Part One
Why do we say that Just The Facts Research, Inc. is a very unique strategic research firm?
We’ve contributed to over $10 Billion in client successes through supporting their critical decision making with leading edge, insightful research, saving management time and maximizing budgeted resources.
1. Insightful perspectives: Our principal and senior associates have over 30 years experience in critical strategic knowledge of: research, marketing, new products, competitive intelligence and acquisitions. We’ve guided research, development and building of many successful products and businesses ourselves…we’ve sat in your chair and understand key dynamics and success drivers.
. Research leading to profitable results: Our goal is providing unique insights that provide meaningful knowledge to clients so they can optimize their products, businesses and organizations to the fullest extent, minimizing risk before commercialization, relaunch or new ventures.
3. Strategic partners: Clients quickly realize that the JTF team becomes an extension of their company staff, providing fresh perspectives and guidance to enhance the total business’ achievement.
4. Attention to quality: We have an “old-fashioned” business philosophy based on attention to detail for every aspect of an assignment, as well as responsiveness and a “can do” attitude even under tight schedules.
5. Excellent value, stretching your research budget: It’s not necessary to pay New York City prices or employ expensive “high profile” consultants to get quality results with JTF Research. Our goal is to help you stretch your research dollars, provide quality research, so you can accomplish more with tight budgets.
6. Integrated resources all from single source: Because we offer a broad array of research products, clients benefit from convenience and speed of not waiting for different researchers to come on-stream for phases of a project.
Part 1 of 2… Read part 2 of Company Philosophy.

For questions and advice on which type of marketing survey is right for your next market research project, call Just The Facts, Inc ® market research at 847-506-0033 for a free consultation. Just The Facts, Inc ® works with clients on all aspects of setting up, fielding, data collection, analysis and reporting of findings… a “total turn-key” process.
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at